
When a Photo to be a Memory

Everyone makes a memory. Theirs doing were not same, isn't it? Different. Depend on desire that comes from a holy light. Of course have a motivation. Photo, picture, video, writings, voice are as an excelent instruments of memory.

Sometimes, there is one who choose a photo as the best method. Why? A photo was taken by a camera. Not same with a picture which was made by a letter and pencil. Picture is a painting. 

Painting is a representation of image, approximate image, based on an approx how the painter make a painting. That be done based on a story because their families did not have a camera at that time. 

When everyone takes a photo, it seems be done with an absolute consciousness sometimes just a wish even though the one not has an intention to it. They will discard those photos again which was taken before. 

We will make different between wish, consciousness and request. They are same but not similar. They still different. Wish is just a simultant motivation not an absolute consciousness from inner heart, or just a kidding even though a just kidding to be a memory when the one who as subject of the shot of camera through he his or she her wish to have that image of camera. It means that, the one shall request it and really want to have it. Of course different, if someone hold a camera, awhile the others want to be taken his/her body authomatically she or he shall ask to picture for his/her face. Sometimes, there is one who take her/his face by he his or she her self that shall be a photo. We can say that selfie. That shall be a memory when they will print and save or hung the photo in the album or hung to wall as a memory. 

We know that, through a just kidding can to form a consciousness. Corely, a memory can be formed by just a wish, a kidding. When someone save a photo carefully, that shall be a precious object. That to be a memory.  Therefore, this photo above is a memory and usefully for future for who want to see it. I think they will cherring up especially their families. Take picture is important. This photo was taken by Melky Pantur in Ruteng, Flores island some years ago. This is a writer's father, his name is Theodorus Tamat. 

Writen by: Melky Pantur 
Ruteng, Flores 
On Friday, 6 Pebruary 2025.

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