
Tour to Golomori.

[Come to Golomori. This is a first step went to there, onfoot]

[Mr. Dedy Naka and Mr. Melky Pantur]

[Togetherness come to us at that time]

[Drop under the tree]

[Lenteng, Mulo strait and Rinca Island. I had taken a picture from Lenteng]

[Lenteng as a tiny village]

[The top of Golomori when taken a picture from Jarak] 

Golo Mori or God Hill. Golo Mori is a Manggarai language where the first man be created, come to this world. Golo or Hill, Mori or God. This place is a history place where according to the Golomori people, especially Ndewa clan. 

They were born from the Spirit, that be claimed as a heaven Spirit. They are the source of Manggarainese history. And, they have an unique history about the man creation. The Ndewa clan can be claimed as a first man who come to this world, before Adam and Eva come to this world as of written in Old Testament.

But this place not popular, just little man who know this place and their history. If we come to there, we can feel an extraordinary strength or power of that mountain. If you don't believe, spend your time to know that place, please!

This place is located in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, Flores Island, NTT - Indonesia country. And, this place is not far from Rinca Island and Komodo Island. Just 3 kilometers from Lenteng beach. And Lenteng beach just one hour by boat from Labuan Bajo beach. You can flying by a plane from your country to Labuan Bajo airport. Thanks.

[This is an information about that historic place and of course have many versions to expline the identity of that place!]

Jati as a tiny village. Those peoples used the buffalo as a modal of transportation.

[This is one of angle of Golomori]

[This is a potret of the Golomori at that time]

"Take your time, you will see the beauty of that trip".  
Our trip, on November 24, 2012.

Take your time, you will see the attractiveness of that trip! That is a nice trip place for your trip experience and that is you yourself book of life.

Come on, come over there......!!!

Written and posted by: Melky Pantur***, on October 12, 2017. 

Lodok di Golomori.

[Indahnya lodok tua di Golomori yang ditinggalkan]

[Tampak lodok di Golomori terlihat oleh googleearth]

Perhatikanlah, ada lodok di Golomori di bagian barat dari persawahan orang-orang Jati dan persis bagian utara dari kampung Jarak. Benar informasi yang pernah didengar oleh Penulis tahun 2012, ada Niang bahkan Gendang dulu di Golomori.

[Ini jalur dari Lenteng ke Jarak lalu Jati kemudian menuju Lo'ok]

Foto: googleearth.

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