

By: Melky Pantur.

This name tree is pak. Skin of this used as a sweetener of nira - nira or mince in Mangggarai language, nira is a sap of palm that be produced as a red sweet sugar. When do you will cooking the nira, let mix or put the pak into nira let the sugar sweet and fragrant.

So difficult and rarely to find this tree. You will found beside of river and wells.

Gambar diambil oleh: Melky Pantur***, Senin (24/4/2017).

Ini adalah pohon pak. Pak kerap dipakai sebagai bahan dasar untuk membuat gula merah. Membuat gula merah atau gola malang populer disebut dengan kokor minse/mince. Foto ini tepatnya tumbuh di kebunku di Wae Lowang.

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