

Written by: Melky Pantur***, on August, 23 th 17.

[This is a former buildings of primary school.  I was a student here some years ago].

[Learning process in that room at that time]

[New buildings of that school].

Lenggo is a small village, located in Coal Rural, Kuwus Subdistrict, West Manggarai Regency, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia Country, Asia Continental.

[Some of students took a drink water]

This tiny village is surrounded by four small villages, are: Watu Nenu, Coal, Lida and Sama. Wae Lowang is a river which flows near that place. Likang Lenggo is one of popular and interesting object near that location. And on that site, had built a primary school.

[View of Coal as a small village]

[View of Lenggo].

Lenggo is an interesting place. From there, we can enjoy the natural views, such as: Wae Ri'i river, Cunca Wae Lega Waterfall, and Cunca Cekas Waterfall. We can enjoy some of small villages, are: Sama, Lewur, Senda, Lawi, Lewat, Dimpong, Todo, Kasong, Lando, Momol, Tentang, Pora, Purek, Cibal, Porong Tendeng, Wela, Sano, Ndoso, Puntu, Pajo, Lareng, and Raka.

[Village health centre].

[Lenggo and Wae Lowang river].

For Writer, Lenggo is as an inspiration and history place. And, this is my first place and school when I was entering to Primary School some years ago.

®©©©©®Those are peoples of Coal village®©©©©®

[Come to a garden].

[Those were students still studying].

[Mr. Dedy Naka still was taking a picture]

®©®Others views©®©

[Ntalung is a part of Coal].

[Those students were stiil taking rest in front of school].


[Melky Pantur].

[Juang and Poping].

Let we know, not only as a name of place but lenggo is as a dance also. We can read that article here:

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