

You are the pool of my freshness. Without you besides me, I am the emptiness man. I am yours beloved heart. Together with me, you feel nice and beautiful. You are my shine when I live on darkness for your face is a candle of my step. Not only that, your smile is my struggle spirit to arrange strongly a future day.


Ite de tiwu lep daku. Toe manga ite cimping aku, aku reba yata lingot. Aku de nai momang mese dite. Cimping akuh, bombong agu manik keta naim. Ite nera daku, du aku ka'eng yone nendep, ai ranga dite culu lampag'eh. Toe hanang hitu, imusm kole pande mberes, ger agu mentengn bengkesg'esh kaweg'eh kudut tena letek di'a-di'as mose dite nggariolon.

By: @Melky Pantur***, May 16, 2017.

This is a freshness pool or the Manggaraian say as tiwu lep and in English say as a freshness pool.


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