

Ditulis oleh: 
Melky Pantur***, 
Minggu (5/2/2017).


Ini bahasa Manggarai dan Cancar merupakan nama tempat yang terletak di Kelurahan Wae Belang, Kecamatan Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai, Propinsi NTT.

[This is Manggaraian language and Cancar is one of the place name of Manggarai that is located in Wae Belang Rural, Ruteng Subdistrict, Manggarai Regentcy, Flores Island].

Cancar terdiri dari beberapa kata, yakni can, ncar dan car. Can artinya satunya, sedangkan ncar artinya bunyi jatuhnya sebuah benda. Cancar adalah suatu aktivitas di mana ketika menaruh sebuah benda selalu saja jatuh dan berbunyi. Lalu, car artinya jatuh. Can car menjadi suatu keharusan agar benda tersebut harus ditaruh di lokasi yang datar. Karena itu, cancar artinya datar - bea. Cancar disebut cancar karena lokasinya datar.

[Cancar is a consist of three words, i.e can, ncar and car. The meaning of can is it's one because ca same with one, ca is one awhile ncar is a sound of things when falling down. And, car is falling down. Can car to be an imperative in order to that things have to putting in a smooth area or plain. Therefore, cancar is a plain, level land, and could be mentioned as a low land].

Ketika seseorang/kita menakar padi dengan tongka - tongka sejenis takaran ukuran lima kilogram bagi orang Manggarai yang terbuat dari bambu, maka ketika penuh itu artinya loncok sedangkan jika diratakan itu artinya cancar. Cancar di sini artinya sebuah aktivitas. Dan, ketika menuangkan padi/beras ke tongka itu artinya cancor lalu seluruh aktivitas itu disebut paka.

[When we are weighing the rice with tongka - tongka is kind of neraca/pair of scales or weights which is one 'tongka' same with five kilogram. Tongka is made of bamboo. When we are weighing the rice full, that is named as loncok, and if that smooth that is cancar. Here, cancar to be an activity.  And, when we are pouring out the rice to tongka, that is mentioned as cancor and that's all activities is named as weighing - paka].

Dalam arti tertentu, loncok dapat diartikan sebagai mangkang - mangkang artinya penuh piring ketika mengambil nasi. Tetapi, agak sulit bagi orang Manggarai ketika nasinya rata di piring, tak lazim diartikan sebagai sesa atau cancar. Orang kerap menyebutnya sedikit - cekoe. Ada sebutan: sesa nai ite, ngampang kin nai wa. Kalimat ini tak elok disebut bea nai eta atau cancar nai eta.

[Loncok same with mangkang - full rice on the plate. When that rice is not full, they cant to say cancar or sesa - they just to say cekoe or just a litle. There is a language expression: sesa nai eta, ngampang kin nai wa or Indonesian saying: lain di hati lain di bibir - saying is not comfort with heart. This mention is not very beautiful if used bea nai eta or cancar nai eta expected sesa nai eta - sesa same with bea or cancar but that cant be put there - bea nai eta. If bea nai eta, it's not interesting, or we say cancar nai eta. Cancar is a word that used in weigh only when we are weighing something with tongka].

Tongka Identik dengan Cancar.

Tongka itu membuat segala sesuatu seimbang, rata. Sedangkan, cancar juga membuat semuanya rata. Misalnya, dalam menakar beras agar sama rata harus pakai tongka atau harus cancar agar tidak wor, kelebihan. Kedua kata ini tergantung konteksnya.

[Tongka and cancar can make somethings balance when we are weighing the rice. It aims, create a balance. Both of that is very contextual and depended on their position. For example, tongka is how to weigh and cancar how to smooth/make smooth or plain to the measure/weigh].

Unique but Fact.

Ngomong - ngomong, ada beberapa hal yang unik dekat kampung Cancar. Memang itu semua unik tetapi kelihatannya fakta jika kita ingin mengoreksinya secara lebih mendalam. Tampaknya, ada sejarah khusus tertentu tentang nama-nama dari kampung kecil itu. Dan, ketika saya berusaha menyusunnya berdasarkan struktur tempat, sangat logis dan diterima pikiran.

[By the way, there are some of uniques near the Cancar village. Indeed, that's all unique but it seems fact if we try to correct deeply. It seems, there is a certain spesial history about the name of that villages. And, when I try to arrange the name of these villages based on the place structure, yeah very logic and received by the mind].

Yang uniknya, di dekat Cancar ada nama kampung: Rai, Popor, Wae Belang, Cara, Golo Wodong, Mangge, Meler, Laja, Nggawang, Sampar,  Mbelaing.

It's unique, there are some of name vilages collection near Cancar. Those are Rai, Popor, Wae Belang, Cara, Golo Wodong, Mangge, Meler, Laja, Nggawang, Sampar, dan Mbelaing.

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