

Ditulis oleh: Melky Pantur***, Minggu (5/2/2017).

Ini bahasa Manggarai. Ada dua versi kata tongka, yang pertama tongka sebagai benda untuk menakar, sedangkan tongka yang satu disebut juru bicara, perantara.

[This is a Manggarai language. There are two versions about this word, firstly tongka as things that is used as a weigh, and twice is mentioned as a mediator or spokesperson].

Untuk mengkaji tentang tongka sebagai neraca dapat kita baca di tulisan berjudul cancar - silakan cek cancar di google.

[If do you want to get the explanation of the tongka as a weigh, please check in google and you can to write down:  cancar. I had explained that word there!]

Tongka lazim digunakan dalam acara adat, misalnya melamar sang gadis versi budaya Manggarai. Tongka di sini jelas sebagai juru bicaranya. Lumrahnya, orang yang tongka tersebut sudah fasih berbahasa adat Manggarai bahkan bisa go'et - pribahasa bahkan dengan kemampuan menciptakan cigu - sindiran dengan kata-kata atau lagu dengan maksud menarik hati lawan bicara.

[Tongka often is used in ceremony especially when to ask for a girl in marriage - in Manggarai culture. Here, tongka as a spokesperson who can fluently to talk in habitual local culture, among other things: go'et - proverb, and also cigu - tease or allusions. Proverb and tease/allusions is one of method to attempt persuade a tongka of that girl, especially her parents].

Tongka terdiri dari dua kata, tong dan ka. Tong artinya menadah dengan tongka atau bisa karung, sedangkan ka artinya meminta. Tongka berarti meminta tolong agar kamu menadah/menampung beras atau berupa kata-kata.

[Tongka is a consist of two words, tong and ka. Tong is an activity to put that rice in tongka or sack, and ka is an asking for. Conclusion, tongka is an action to ask for the one in order to he/her makes collect some of things or rice put into sack or bag, it could be mentioned as words. For example, when the spokesperson of girl talking about something, then tongka of the young man can to answers theirs demands].

This translation is not perfect.

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